We organized an Anti-Bullying workshop in Peru

Education is among the four pillars of our Bata Children’s Program (BCP).
When we talk about education, we usually encounter a common issue: bullying at school. To prevent or lessen this harmful behaviour, our team at Bata Peru holds an Anti-Bullying workshop for 210 students from San Martín de Porres, Péru.
During the session, children learnt about the possible situations and places where bullying can occur and how to identify the bully, the victim, and the spectator. Most importantly, they learnt how to recognize risk profiles, behaviours, and how to deal with them.
Let’s decrease the prevalence of bullying and promote a safe and warm environment where our children can learn and grow.
The Bata Children's Program focuses on helping children realize their potential, in partnership with local people and institutions. Since 2011, the program has benefited more than 300'000 children in the community where we operate.