Celebrating Father’s Day at Bata

19 June 2022
Celebrating Father’s Day at Bata
As a family-owned business, we would like to take this opportunity to thank and spotlight all the fathers, grandfathers and soon-to-be fathers across the globe who make our company what it is.

Being a parent is a full-time job and we would like to honor our fathers’ unwavering support and invaluable love for their children. Not all superheroes wear capes – and we think that every dad, grandad and dad-to-be is a hero!

We asked our colleagues what makes them beam with pride and joy as a dad? Read their answers!


"Seeing him happy and smiling is what makes me proud to be a dad"

Yohan Waysberg - Reporting and Consolidation Manager


"It is my personal belief that our kids are the real hero’s.  They adapt and adjust to everything that we give at them and come back wanting more.  They continuously test and push us to improve in all aspects of our lives until we are better.  We learn more about time management, efficiencies, hard work, doing something successfully in multiple ways, experiencing success and failures, enjoying simple pleasures, facing our fears by ourselves and together, and learning the true meaning of unconditional love than any other cosmic experience.  There is no map or guide on how to be a good parent and I challenge any father that believes they have mastered parenthood. 

I raise a toast to all fathers, grandfathers, and fathers-to-be.  Stay the path, continue your work, and enjoy being a part of the most amazing life experience one can ever wish for.  You are more appreciated than you can imagine."

Kevin Noll - Global IT Infrastructure and Operations Manager


"Fatherhood exists forever but it’s simple moments that makes it so special. Going for a walk, having lunch together, exploring new places,… we don’t need much to have a good laugh together!"

Gregory Schaller - Finance Director